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Exploring the Beauty of Community Murals: A Collaboration with Insyt Creations and FESCO

A coating of primer and paint can transform the most mundane space into a decent environment, but what happens when you want to inspire and captivate your mass of customers on a daily basis?

The Future Energy Source Company, FESCO, wanted to introduce their new suite of locations in a vibrant way, as every "Proudly Jamaican" company should. Here comes the creative insight from "Insyt" to lead the way.

A Collaboration like no other

Between 2021 to 2023, we have worked alongside Jamaica's most talented muralists to create awe inspiring fixtures at FESCO locations in Jamaica.

These vibrant works of art, featuring acclaimed muralists Richard Nattoo, Simone Williams, Suzanna Missenberger, and Joshua Solas, bring forth a burst of color and cultural richness to FESCO's spaces. The overarching theme of the murals is "Proudly Jamaican," an ode to the country's rich heritage and vibrant spirit.

What does it mean to be Proudly Jamaican?

The chosen theme, "Proudly Jamaican," encapsulates the essence of the murals, aiming to celebrate the unique identity and cultural diversity that defines Jamaica. Each mural, carefully crafted by the talented artists, tells a story that resonates with the spirit of the Jamaican people. From iconic landmarks to the warmth of the community, the murals serve as a visual representation of the nation's pride and resilience.


Mural 1: The People's Pot

Creative Director: Cevan Coore

Muralist: Simone Williams

Mural 2: Swamp Party

Creative Director: Cevan Coore

Muralist: Richard Nattoo & Jermaine Smith

Mural 3: The Best of JA

Creative Director: Cevan Coore

Muralist: Joshua Solas

Assist: Anna Guthrie

Community Mural 1: Talented Spirits

Creative Director: Cevan Coore

Muralist: Suzanna Missenberger


FESCO's partnership with Insyt Creations Limited to produce "Proudly Jamaican" murals represents a significant step towards integrating art and culture into the corporate landscape. As these vibrant artworks come to life, they promise not only to transform FESCO locations into cultural hubs but also to celebrate the beauty, resilience, and pride of the Jamaican people. The collaboration is not just about art on walls; it's a testament to the power of creativity in fostering a strong sense of identity and community.

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